In the internet-era, information is everywhere. Unfortunately, with such vast volumes of this information, it means that a mix of accurate and complete trash is published all over the place. As the title of this guide may have already given away, we’re today going to focus on the latter.

In other words, there are umpteen myths out there which are really impacting the state of the weight loss industry and hindering a lot of people’s progress. Following the wrong advice can actually increase your waistline, so tune into the following to ensure that you don’t make the classic “schoolboy” mistakes.

Every calorie is the same

It’s time to stop treating calories as hard and fast figures. While calorie counting has been known to work (to an extent), it can be restrictive and hinder your progress if you don’t do it properly.

What we’re talking about is the value of a calorie. For example, fat calories are certainly not the same protein calories. Let’s delve into some “real” figures at this point; the former has nine calories per gram, while the latter has just four.

All weight loss treatments are bad

There’s no doubt that you should be looking to turn to other less-drastic measures before the thought of weight loss surgery enters your mind. However, let’s not get away from the fact that many of these once-advanced procedures have been made much simpler, and can therefore be used in more cases.

You only have to take a look at the likes of laser liposuction to see this in action. While there may have been some negativity surrounding the traditional lipo procedure, no such reputation now exists (take a look at the Sono Bello Reviews on Youtube to see this for yourself).

What we’re trying to say is that you should never completely dismiss weight loss procedures – they do work for some people and have made incredible strides over recent years.

Thin people are healthy

This relates to the first point we discussed. If you do manage to trim your waistline – it might still be time to have another look in the mirror. This is because a person might completely cut down their calories, and consume a lot of fatty products, and see their waistline shrink.

The question is, are they really healthy? Most probably not. While the scales might have decreased, the amount of fat you are consuming might still mean you are susceptible to the likes of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

“Low fat” foods are always going to be good for you

This final myth really relates to an industry flaw and will impact a lot of people. Wandering down the supermarket aisle and spotting a “low fat” food might feel as though you’ve hit jackpot – but wait before you place it in your cart.

Technically, a low fat product just needs to consume less fat than the original, full fat product. As such, it’s very easy for companies to manage this, and it certainly doesn’t mean that it’s going to be healthy for you.