Are you going on vacation but don’t want to screw up your diet? Do you want to feel the best when you travel? Here are some tips on how to eat healthy on vacation so you can have a guilt-free trip.

How to Eat Healthy on Vacation
Stick Local
In general if you are eating what the locals eat you will be eating healthier. Hotel food is usually fatty fried food aimed to please the broadest of pallets. So stick with what the locals eat, hit up food-trucks or local restaurants.  Also many countries eat seafood a lot more you may back home. Seafood is one of the healthiest choicest so try and incorporate some fresh fish (especially if you are on an international trip.) Many cultures don’t eat as much processed foods as we do back home, so you may be surprised how fresh things taste. Step out of your comfort zone, eat like the locals, and eat healthy on vacation.

Grocery Store
Even the most remote locations will have a fresh market of more likely a supermarket. If you are trying to stick to your diet or just want some no-nonsense fresh fruits and veggies head towards the local grocery store. While this may not be near your resort or hotel it will be worth the trip. You will also be surprised on different types of meats and produce you find in new locations. It may be a good idea to request a kitchen at your hotel. This will let you cook meals to your dietary restrictions.

Ask and You Shall Receive
If you have specific diet requirements it pays to ask. Before you go learn a few simple phrases (though there is a likely chance most tourist locals will speak English) on how to request your specific food needs. If you want to eat healthy on vacation ask the restaurant or hotel to oblige. There is usually a way the cook can substitute non-meat, non-dairy, or low-fat ingredients. Don’t feel shy, as long as you are polite and flexible you will be surprised how helpful people will be!

Just because you are on a trip doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. While many hotels have gyms why not make things more interesting? Early morning runs on the beach are always nice, so are intense mountain hikes or skiing. So no matter what your local is, try to incorporate some healthy activities into your plans. Just check with your guidebook or hotel staff and they will likely be full of fun and high energy activities!

So next time you are on a trip, whether it’s business or pleasure use our tips on how to eat healthy on vacation to make sure you feel your best while traveling. Whether this means asking waiters to prepare healthy food, jogging on the beach,  shopping at a grocery store, or eating local delicious; there are plenty of ways to eat healthy and stay in shape while on vacation no matter where your travels take you. Enjoy your guilt-free trip!