Only two types of people can give you tips on travelling with kids on long flights. It’s either the parents who have been through that kind of experience or flight attendants who seem to have seen it all when it comes to travelling in a plane.

Simply put, if you have kids between the ages 2 and 5, then travelling in a plane on long flights might turn out to be a nightmare for you. However, there are some things that can make your experience slightly better. All you have to do is follow the 6 flight attendant recommended tips listed in this article.

1-     Catch an Early Flight

Travelling with children gets better if you try to catch an early flight. In fact, try to catch the earliest flight in the day to relieve yourself from a tiring journey. Early flights are less crowded and the passengers are so tired and drowsy that all they want to do is take a nap, especially kids.

2-    Make Kids Wear Layers

The one thing parents need to be careful about is the change in temperatures during a flight. This might result in your kid requesting to go to the bathroom every now and then. The best way to avoid this is to make your child wear layers.

3-    Make Kids Sit Away from the Aisle

Too many mishaps and discouraging incidents have happened with kids who sit on aisle seats. Aisle seats allow kids to be in a perfect range to attack the food and beverage cart that passes by. And if you have meddling kids, you know their hands can cause hot coffee or tea to spill. This is the reason why parents must make their kids sit away from the aisle seats. Give them the window seats so they stay busy staring at the clouds.

4-    Mind the Germs

Wipe everything that your kids use during a flight and never ever let your child go to the bathroom without shoes. As it turns out, it’s true that going to the bathroom up in the air is really difficult. It might be a little uneasy for you to accept this, but an airplane’s bathroom floor is never clean. It’s not just water that spills on the floor!

5-    Surprise Your Kids

When flying with kids, pack some surprises for them. It can be toys or food items that your kid loves. It’s the best way to keep your kid engaged for a while. A packed surprise has two benefits – kids love to unwrap things and a new toy or a chocolate bar keeps them busy for at least an hour.

6-    Travel in the Economy

Travelling with noisy and hyper kids in the first class is more difficult because the rest of the first class passengers don’t expect any disturbance during the flight. As it turns out, you will find more support and empathy in the economy. In fact, you will find other parents going through the same experience.

These six tips might not eliminate the fatigue of travelling with kids on a long flight, but with the help of these tips, you can expect a considerable difference.